‘Smart Cities’ Evolve Beyond Devices to Become More Local Chelsea McCulloughNovember 1, 2024smart cities, residentengagement
One year ago, New York City introduced a sweeping AI plan. Here’s how it’s going. Chelsea McCulloughNovember 1, 2024AI
The IEEE CertifAIEd Framework for AI Ethics Applied to the City of Vienna Chelsea McCulloughSeptember 14, 2023
A tool for transforming smart city governance: How The Hague utilised policy benchmarking to develop smart city next steps Chelsea McCulloughAugust 1, 2023policy, Benchmarking, Hague
Minneapolis City Council approves Climate Equity Plan Chelsea McCulloughAugust 1, 2023Public Engagement, Climate Change
These 5 cities aim to cool down by scaling up ‘smart surfaces’ in coming years Chelsea McCulloughAugust 1, 2023
California privacy regulator reviewing data collected by smart vehicles Chelsea McCulloughAugust 1, 2023
Panic about overhyped AI risk could lead to the wrong kind of regulation Chelsea McCulloughJuly 18, 2023