Photo by "My Life Through A Lens" on Unsplash

the Digi.City Collaborative


The Digi.City Collaborative is a free, membership-based, cooperative effort designed for leaders who are navigating complex social and civic challenges. Our belief is that connected technology, data and analytics can positively impact urban issues when appropriately applied and community driven. Learn more about our Mission, Vision & Values.

About Our Members

The Digi.City Collaborative invites do-ers, thinkers and builders to share ideas, challenges and experiences. Together we will create new approaches, projects and initiatives to create smart(er) communities that are more responsive to the ever-changing needs of all citizens/residents.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

We believe that a cross-sector approach is critical. Our membership is inclusive and open to leaders in government, academia, and the social+civic+nonprofit sectors. We invite private sector members as requested via Listening Sessions (designed for R&D not selling) that are open to all members but never required.

There is no cost to join. There is no obligation. We prefer an opt-in approach.

Whether you’re a technologist, a community builder, an entrepreneur, an intrapreneur, an urban planner, an artist, a designer, a connector, a program manager, or a combination of some or all of these roles, join us. We welcome diversity of thought, talent and experience.

How Membership Works

  1. Receive your invitation

  2. Complete the Member Application (You will notified of your membership status within two weeks of your application)

  3. If accepted, you will receive a Member Agreement to review and sign

  4. Welcome to The Collaborative

Your Membership Includes

  • Monthly Standing Calls - These are open sessions for members to connect, share resources, challenges and ideas. Additional calls can be created for spin off groups (by sector, by topic area, by interest, etc). The objective is to maximize trust, shared experience, relationship building and information exchange.

  • Slack Group - In between standing calls we have a Slack Group to share information, resources, challenges, promote events, etc. It’s a way to stay connected with minimal noise.

  • Access to a Global Network of Partners - Digi.City provides access to its wide range of global partner relationships that offer diverse experience & insight across a variety of disciplines.

  • Marketing & Promotion - We forge purposeful partnerships to amplify member's work on a global scale. This can include speaking opportunities, invites to key partner events, awards, etc.


  • How much does it cost? Zero dollars

  • What am I obligated to do? Not a thing. We like our opt-in model.

  • Is the list of members published? Not publicly. We have a list of members that members can reference for their benefit. It is a password protected page and not shared as a selling tool.

  • More Questions? Contact Us.

Ready to Get Started?