Smart City Listening Sessions

Over the years working in the Smart City space, we hear similar questions and concerns from technologists, entrepreneurs, academics and corporate leaders...

"We have developed a technology but I'm not sure how to connect it to the problems cities are trying to solve."

"Are we using the right words? Does our messaging resonate?"

"How do you effectively approach government?"

We’ve designed the Digi.City Listening Session as tools to gather feedback on ideas and offerings from expert practitioners and influencers.

These focus groups are designed to facilitate meaningful feedback and discussion on smart city offerings. It is not a sales pitch. Digi.City hosts and conducts these opportunity assessments with a curated network of government, industry, university & NGO leaders.

Attendees participate in the Listening Sessions as a time-efficient way to inform and develop human-centered solutions without the pressure of a sales pitch or a lengthy time investment.

As a result, we all get to work toward a common goal to share learning, collaborate and inform better solutions.


FAQs for Sponsors

How much does it Cost? $1,400 per Listening Session

How many attendees will show up for my Listening Session?

Less than 10 attendees is ideal to have a good discussion and collect meaningful feedback. If there is a minimum number of Attendees required, this should be noted in the application.

What is the format? 45 minutes total

  • Materials are uploaded for review prior to the Listening Session on a dedicated landing page

  • Digi.City welcomes everyone and goes over ground rules (2 mins)

  • The Sponsor presents (5 mins)

  • Digi.City moderates questions, facilitates feedback and dialogue. The Sponsor can also ask questions. (35 mins)

  • Summary & next steps (2 mins)

  • A recording is provided

Can I get a list of Attendees? Attendees can opt in to share their contact information.

FAQs for Attendees

Can I be anonymous? Yes for virtual Listening Sessions.

How is this not a sales pitch? Sponsors will be thoroughly coached about how to conduct themselves. Digi.City will be a part of each Listening Session and will carefully moderate.

How can I give feedback? Please provide feedback directly in the Listening Session. Digi.City will also follow up with a post Session survey to get your input.

Can I get a list of Attendees? Attendees opt in to share their contact information.