ZEIT Fellows 2023

Fellow Program for Urban Research at HafenCity University Hamburg

Funded by ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius

In the Spring/Summer of 2023, these five fellows will participate in collaborative research at HafenCity University Hamburg. The program aims at enabling the fellows to develop existing research ideas further for a concrete project proposal in fields such as: sustainable urban development in data driven cities, digital transformation in cities and their societies worldwide, people centered smart cities, open and transparent digital governance approaches, artistic approaches for mapping, spatial analysis and data visualization.


Urban and Regional Planning expert researching relationship between identity and the built environment.

African Centre for Cities, University of Cape Town

Urban Technologist passionate about cities, entrepreneurship and circular economy,

Edinburgh Napier University

Urban and sustainability expert researching partnerships and governance models for the implementation of smart city projects.

Edinburgh Napier University, Tallinn University of Technology


Urbanist, Web3 researcher and social ecosystem designer.

HafenCity Universität Hamburg (HCU)

Smart cities expert researching how ethical AI can enhance public engagement.

University of Texas at Austin