Hey, utilities, 5G is a thing

I once wrote in a Navigant white paper that utilities need to stop building application-specific, siloed networks and think more holistically about their future communications needs. With the proliferation of distributed generation (DG), electric vehicles (EVs) and increasingly competitive operational environments, a utility’s ability to react quickly to shifting market dynamics will become critical to its long-term success.

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Gaining Perspective From P3s in the Philippines

Since 2010, the Philippines national government has tried to address the country’s chronic infrastructure challenges, while maintaining strict fiscal discipline. The focus has been on initiating a series of reforms that some think has revived the country's P3 program. These reforms have resulted in the awarding of nine projects (with a total investment of US$3 billion). This P3 program's roll-out aims to support the government's intention to raise private investment in infrastructure from 0.4 percent of GDP in 2013 to 1.1 percent of GDP. Spending in infrastructure is expected to grow at around 10% a year during the next decade, reaching a total of US$27 billion per year by 2025.

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Jim Nyquist: At The Inflection Point Of IIoT

Jim Nyquist likes to use the phrase “inflection point” when he talks about the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). An inflection point is when the direction of a curve changes in response to an event, resulting in significant change. The industrial manufacturing sector is at an inflection point right now, and in his role as President of Systems and Solutions at Emerson Process Management, Nyquist is at the center of the inflection point.

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