How Can We Use Smart City Technology to Help in the COVID-19 Outbreak?
March 26, 2020 Source: ARC Advisory Group
Data can be a powerful tool to manage disease outbreaks and pandemics, and smart city platforms and technologies can effectively leverage data to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Let’s take a look at some of the technologies that are available for managing disease outbreaks and how data from smart city platforms and systems can be used to manage the pandemic.
A Holistic View of Data is Required
The day to day landscape of cities around the world is changing rapidly due to COVID-19. Here are some examples of how things have changed, what kinds of data are being generated as a result of these changes, and how we can use that data to drive some positive results during the pandemic. As we have discussed in previous blog posts and reports, smart city platforms provide the solution for managing data from a variety of sources in city operating systems in a single environment, with common visualization, and a common way to turn that data into useful information to make informed decisions.
Epidemic Management and Response Solutions
Many smart city technology suppliers offer epidemic management and response solutions. The spectrum of these offerings is wide, from full-scale epidemic management and response solutions from suppliers like Atos and Conduent to open software tools like SORMAS, the Surveillance and Outbreak Response Management, and Analysis System.
European technology supplier and service provider Atos also offers and epidemic management and response solution that is based on Microsoft’s xRM technology. The platform enables users to track and trace incident reports in real-time, analyze patterns and predict the risk of spread. The system features real-time data in outbreaks, predictive analysis of likely spread patterns, and provides the ability to coordinate resource allocation.