What goes on below Smart Cities?

Source: Techerati Published: October 7th, 2020

It’s never been more important to understand the internet and cloud computing architectures powering Smart Cities — and how they can create business risks

Smart City initiatives are game changing. New ones are continually cropping up, and most are so seamlessly integrated into our daily lives that they are often imperceptible as ‘smart technology’ at first glance. In the UK, there are brilliant projects such as ‘tapping in’ to London’s transport system with mobile phones – even after they’ve run out of battery – and replacing old street furniture such as lamp posts with their smart counterparts, which can provide cities with much more than just light.

These initiatives are used all across the country through schemes like Manchester’s Triangulum and Future City Glasgow. Creating smarter and more sustainable environments using data and technology is a large focus for governments today. There’s a lot of well-intentioned focus on creating beautifully lit cities with smart traffic lights, or cloud-powered applications.

However, much of the public aren’t fully aware of how many day to day interactions with their environment will be technology-driven or technology-dependent. And of greater concern, what happens when these technology systems fail? It can have catastrophic consequences. This means high stakes for technology solutions powering the back end of these projects.

For business leaders who are both creating and implementing these solutions, it is becoming ever more imperative to find out more about the backbone of IoT devices connected over the internet and cloud computing architectures that these cities run on, and how they can create business risks. For data centre operators, this means they have to be at the top of their game while coping with the increasing pressure to perform reliably.

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Photo by shade jay on Unsplash

Chelsea Collier