4 Tech Projects Promise to Change Tennessee for the Better

Source: GovTech

Four technology-driven projects in the state are proof that a centralized IT department can lead, support and promote groundbreaking programs. The projects are proof that successful innovation is about more than the tech.

Sometimes it’s not about winning an award itself.

Tennessee CIO Stephanie Dedmon stands by this idea when she talks about her state’s four 2019 NASCIO award finalists. Only one other state, North Carolina, has as many finalists this year, but Dedmon believes the prospect of winning comes second to her state’s realization that it should celebrate and promote its work. 

“Over the last eight years or so, maybe even more, our state has been focused on technology as an enabler and willing to consider new and innovative ways to enhance our services,” she said. “In our journey, we have made great progress.”

Tennessee’s four projects have intriguing implications for how government can work. One project makes it easier for businesses to pay taxes. Another has transformed mental health patient care and safety. Another helps low-income participants get through the Medicaid eligibility process. Finally, a pilot utilizes facial recognition technology to process individuals who re-enter Tennessee’s prison system.

Read more here.

Chelsea McCullough