Stockholm, Sweden
Digi.City Founder Chelsea Collier was honored to be a part of the Smart City Visitors’ Programme in Stockholm, Sweden May 28 - 31, 2018 to learn more about the region's smart city developments. Click here to read about the organizations, individuals and programs that were featured.
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A Note from Program Organizers:
In order to build smart and sustainable cities, many different processes and functions need to harmonize with each other. In the smart city, innovations, digitalisation, and environmental and climate technologies create opportunities for meeting society’s challenges in an efficient and sustainable way.
In Sweden we have lots of experience on how to connect all the necessary pieces, in combination with world-leading expertise in the fields of research and innovation within a number of areas. WE are glad you are joining us for this programme so that we can address the global sustainability goals together!
About the Organizers
Swedish Institute The Swedish Institute (SI) is a public agency that promotes interest and confidence in Sweden around the world. SI seeks to establish cooperation and lasting relations with other countries through strategic communication and exchange in the fields of culture, education, science and business.
Smart City Sweden Smart City Sweden is the national export and investment platform for smart and sustainable city solutions. The Smart City Sweden initiative is funded partly by the Swedish Government through the Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation and the Swedish Energy Agency, and partly by the industry and business promoting networks. It is managed by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, in close collaboration with business promoting networks and organisations, as well as private companies.
Business Sweden Business Sweden’s purpose is to help Swedish companies reach their full international potential and foreign companies to invest and expand in Sweden. Business Sweden is owned by the Swedish Government and the industry.
Presentations by:
- The Swedish Institute
- EgovLab
- Smart City Sweden
- Envac
- Grow Smarter, Valla Torg
- Hammarby Sjöstad
- Norra Djurgårdsstaden
- Grow Smarter i